Those with placements in cancer possess a deep sensitivity, an urge to protect one's self, a need to be alone but at the same time to initmately connect with those around them. With this depth of emotions comes a fierce strength.
They are very protective of their energy, usually have few friends but very meaningful connections.
They have strong empathetic abilities, making them great listeners and advice givers. Fiercely loyal and intuitive, good at reading people and understanding their true intentions.
Their sensitivity, if not balanced, can result in them taking things very personally. Due to their unwavering loyalty they can sometimes 'lose themselves' through love for others.
Their deep emotions can also make them seem moody at times.
Rebirth is strongly associated with this sign, going within and emerging victoriously aware of who they are.
THEME | sensitivity, empathy, protection, comfort, family and home, tribe, nostalgia, emotions, nurturing
SYMBOLISM | the crab. The hard exterior represents their defense mechanisms. The shell also portrays the need to be alone and go inwards. It reiterates the cycle of renewal and rebirth.
ELEMENT | water.
Non-linear, non-verbal realm of feeling and intuition. Transcendent space, compassion, fluidity and imagination.
ABOUT | Formed through the oxidation of copper minerals in the presence of oxygen-rich water.
METAPHYSICAL PROPERTIES | Calming, cleansing and reenergising given that is holds the energy of water.
It can help to release guilt and heartache, open the heart, encouraging love, compassion and empathy.
It can enhance one's ability to communicate and encourages self-awareness, balance and internal harmony.
It helps to release negative emotions and inspire more positive and productive mental patterns.
It also has very detoxifying properties.
THEME | water energy, empathy, compassion, authenticity, calming, expression, open heart, connection, self-awareness.
CANCER | helps to connect more closely with their true self and communicate themselves more authentically. Ideal for calming their emotions.
LOCATION | Israel, Chile, US, DRC